Monday, February 25, 2008

INDOCTRINATE U: Hard-hitting Documentary Film Screens at GWU

I thought I would share the following invitation:

Don't forget to RSVP

INDOCTRINATE U: Hard-hitting Documentary Film Screens at The GeorgeWashington University, in the Cloyd Heck Marvin Center 3rd FloorAmphitheater, on March 3, 2008.
February 25, 2008
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Chad SwarthoutPresident, GW College +1 (630) 730-9815
Speech codes. Censorship. Sensitivity training. Enforced politicalconformity. Intolerance. Hostility to religion. Violations of freedomof speech and conscience. Kangaroo courts. We usually associate suchthings with the repressive regimes of North Korea, China, Cuba, andthe former Soviet Union. But instead, this assault on free thought istaking place all over America--right now--on our nation's campuses.
Produced by On The Fence Films with the support of the Moving PictureInstitute, award-winning filmmaker Evan Coyne Maloney's documentaryfilm Indoctrinate U reveals the ugly truths about academia that youwon't see in glossy admissions brochures.
"When we think of college, we think of intellectual freedom. Weimagine four years of exploring ideas through vigorous debate andcritical thinking," Maloney said. "But the reality is very far fromthe ideal. What most of us don't know is that American collegestudents surrender their rights to free thought and free speech theminute they set foot on campus."
At once a warning and a wake-up call, Indoctrinate U is stirring upcontroversy and sparking much-needed debate. By exposing the highereducation's best-kept secrets, the film--which London's DailyTelegraph found to be "as slick and incisive as anything by MichaelMoore"--is calling for the kind of change academics have longpretended they don't need to make.
"To the tune of tens of thousands of dollars a year, students arebeing robbed of their educations," Maloney said. "Higher education issystematically defrauding students, parents, and taxpayers. And manytrustees, the people who are supposed to be overseeing this system,are letting it happen by failing to act."
Prominent professor Stanley Fish agrees; he recently used hisinfluential New York Times blog to state that "So long as there arethose who confuse advocacy with teaching, and so long as facultycolleagues and university administrators look the other way, theacademy invites the criticism it receives in this documentary."
Now this acclaimed film is coming to The George Washington Universityfor a special one-night-only campus screening. Indoctrinate U willscreen at the Cloyd Heck Marvin Center 3rd Floor Amphitheater, 80021st Street NW, Washington, DC on Monday, March 3, 2008, at 9:00 PM.
The film was produced by a team headed by Stuart Browning, a softwareentrepreneur, blogger, and filmmaker; entertainment attorney BlaineGreenberg; and Thor Halvorssen, former CEO and executive director ofthe Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE). Frayda Levy,president of the Moving Picture Institute (MPI), served as associateproducer.
MPI is a New York-based organization dedicated to promoting freedomthrough film. To learn more, visit MPI's website at orcontact Marina Lyaunzon at
Please RSVP to Chad Swarthout at or on Facebook at
----Chad SwarthoutPresidentGW College

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