Sunday, October 28, 2007

Talk about emerging Markets!

Markets emerge everywhere... Costa Rican High Schoolers pay a company to solve homeworks for them!
Even though the news link is in Spanish, it's really straight forward: An entrepreneur established a company that solves math, chemistry or physics problems for money.
Now, obviously, people want to regulate this kind of activity, making it illegal or charging the students with plagiarism if they get caught. We all know how well regulation works, so is there a better way to make students do their homework? Even though the news link is in Spanish, it's really straight forward: An entrepreneur established a company that solves math, chemistry or physics problems for money.
Now, obviously, people want to regulate this kind of activity, making it illegal or charging the students with plagiarism if they get caught. We all know how well regulation works, so is there a better way to make students do their homework?

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